Click here to Quit! Click here to clear the score and start a new game! Click here to get the answer. Remember, each time you do, a Yes point will be deducted from your score! Check here to toggle between multiple choice or fill in the blanck questions! Use this Popup menu to set the range of the equations. This number will control how many answer buttons are displayed! Use this Popup menu to change the factor! Use this Popu menu to change the Math mode! Check here to enable or disable the Timer! Allotted time. to change it, use the slider! The current sound level. To change it, use the slider! Click here to hear the selected voice! The current word rate. To change it, use the slider! Amount of Free Ram. If this number < 100 allot more Ram! Click on any line to select a Speech Manager voice. The voices file must be installed in the System folder for voices to appear in the list! Check here to toggle between Speech Manager or MacinTalk. Speech Manager or MacinTalk must be installed in your System folder for this feature to work! Click here to delete the selected line or lines. You must have the code to access this list! Click here to print the Grade Report! Click on any line to select it or shift click to select multiple lines! Check here to enable or disable the spoken comments! Type or paste No comments here! Type or paste Yes comments here! Type First and Last name here. Case does not matter!